CPK Gradle Plugin heading-link-icon

Applying this plugin to a project declares that the project should create a CorDapp Corda Distributed Application. A Java (or any JVM targeting language) application built using the Corda build toolchain and CorDapp API to solve some problem that is best solved in a decentralized manner. in CPK format. The CPK format CorDapp is a ZIP file with a .jar extension, which is the output of the JAR task, along with the dependent JARs of that JAR. The plugin will not include any of Corda’s own JARs among these dependencies, nor any JARs that should be provided by Corda, such as Kotlin or Quasar. The JAR should also contain sufficient OSGi metadata to be a valid OSGi bundle.

  1. Depending on the number of modules of your Gradle project, choose one of the following options:

    • If your Gradle project contains multiple modules, perform the following actions:

      a. Include the following code at the top of the build.gradle file of your CorDapp Gradle project:

      plugins {
      id 'net.corda.plugins.cordapp-cpk2'

      b. To configure the cordapp-cpk2 plugin for your version of Corda, apply the net.corda.cordapp.cordapp-configuration plugin to your root Gradle project:

      plugins {
      id 'net.corda.cordapp.cordapp-configuration'
    • If your Gradle project contains a single module, apply both plugins together:

      plugins {
        id 'net.corda.cordapp.cordapp-configuration'
        id 'net.corda.plugins.cordapp-cpk2'
  2. Declare the versions of both plugins in settings.gradle:

    pluginManagement {
        plugins {
            id 'net.corda.cordapp.cordapp-configuration' version cordaReleaseVersion
            id 'net.corda.plugins.cordapp-cpk2' version cpkPluginVersion

    Where cpkPluginVersion and cordaReleaseVersion are both Gradle properties. For example:

    cpkPluginVersion = '6.0.0'
    cordaReleaseVersion = '5.2.0'

Applying the cordapp-cpk2 plugin implicitly applies both Gradle’s Java library plugin and Bnd’s builder plugin, which means that the output of the JAR task will also become an OSGi bundle. The cordapp-cpk2 plugin assigns the following default OSGi attributes to the bundle:

  • Bundle-SymbolicName: ${project.group}.${archiveBaseName}[-${archiveAppendix}][-${archiveClassifier}]
  • Bundle-Version: ${project.version}

The plugin creates a cordapp DSL extension, which currently bears a strong resemblance to the legacy cordapp plugin’s DSL extension:

cordapp {
    targetPlatformVersion = '<Corda 5 Platform Version>'
    minimumPlatformVersion = '<Corda 5 Platform Version>'

    contract {
        name = 'Example CorDapp'
        versionId = 1
        licence = 'Test-Licence'
        vendor = 'R3'

    workflow {
        name = 'Example CorDapp'
        versionId = 1
        licence = 'Test-Licence'
        vendor = 'R3'

    signing {
        enabled = (true | false)

        // These options presumably mirror Ant's signJar task options.
        options {
            alias = '??'
            storePassword = '??'
            keyStore = file('/path/to/keystore')
            storeType= ('PKCS12' | 'JKS')
            keyPassword = '$storePassword'
            signatureFileName = '$alias'
            verbose = (true | false)
            strict = (true | false)
            internalSF = (true | false)
            sectionsOnly = (true | false)
            lazy = (true | false)
            maxMemory = '??'
            preserveLastModified = (true | false)
            tsaUrl = '??'
            tsaCert = '??'
            tsaProxyHost = '??'
            tsaProxyPort = '??'
            executable = file('/path/to/alternate/jarsigner')
            force = (true | false)
            signatureAlgorithm = '??'
            digestAlgorithm = '??'
            tsaDigestAlgorithm = '??'

    sealing = (true | false)

    hashAlgorithm = 'SHA-256'

Applying the cordapp-cpk2 plugin creates the following new Gradle configurations:

  • cordaProvided: This configuration declares a dependency that the CorDapp needs to compile against but should not become part of the CPK since it will be provided by the Corda node at runtime. This effectively replaces the legacy cordaCompile configuration. Any cordaProvided dependency is also implicitly added to Gradle’s compileOnly and *Implementation configurations. Consequently, it is not included in the runtimeClasspath configuration as a dependency in the published POM file or packaged inside the CPK file. However, it will be included in the testRuntimeClasspath configuration and will also become a transitive cordaProvided dependency of any CorDapp that depends on this CorDapp.

  • cordaPrivateProvided: This configuration is similar to cordaProvided, with the difference that its contents do not become transitive cordaProvided dependencies of any CorDapps that depend on this one.

  • cordapp: This declares a compile-time dependency against the JAR of another CPK CorDapp. Similar to cordaProvided, this dependency is also implicitly added to Gradle’s compileOnly and *Implementation configurations. It is excluded from the runtimeClasspath configuration, the published POM file, and the contents of the CPK file. The JARs of all Cordapp dependencies are listed as lines in this JAR’s META-INF/CPKDependencies.json file:

    "formatVersion": "2.0",
    "dependencies": [
            "name": "$BUNDLE_SYMBOLIC_NAME",
            "version": "$BUNDLE_VERSION",
            "verifySameSignerAsMe": true

The cordapp dependencies are transitive, meaning that if CorDapp B declares a cordapp dependency on CorDapp A, and then CorDapp C declares a cordapp dependency on CorDapp B, CorDapp C will acquire compile-time dependencies on the JARs of both CorDapps A and B. Additionally, the cordaProvided dependencies of both A and B will be added to CorDapp C’s cordaProvided configuration. This mechanism is accomplished by publishing each CPK with a “companion” POM that contains the additional dependency information. The cordapp-cpk2 plugin resolves these “companion” POMs transparently to the user, ensuring that CorDapps have the expected transitive relationships.

In order for everything to work as intended, the “companion” POM must be published into the same repository as its associated JAR artifact. For a JAR with Maven coordinates:


…then the “companion’s” Maven coordinates will be:

  • cordaEmbedded: This configuration behaves similarly to cordaProvided in the sense that it declares a compileOnly dependency that is excluded from both the CPK contents and the published POM. The difference is that the dependent JAR is also added to a META-INF/lib folder inside the CorDapp’s JAR and appended to the JAR’s Bundle-Classpath manifest attribute. It’s important to note that an OSGi framework considers the Bundle-Classpath to contain ordinary JARs and not bundles, even if those JARs contain their own OSGi metadata. Additionally, the transitive dependencies of the embedded JARs will also be embedded unless they are explicitly added to another Gradle configuration. Exercise caution when using embedding. It is provided as a tool for cases where a dependency lacks OSGi metadata or its metadata is unusable. You must refrain from embedding dependencies that already have valid OSGi metadata.

  • cordaRuntimeOnly: This configuration declares a dependency added to the runtimeClasspath, but the CorDapp does not need to compile against it, and it must not be packaged into the CPK file. This configuration serves as a replacement for the legacy cordaRuntime configuration.

The cordapp-cpk2 plugin creates a new Gradle SoftwareComponent named “cordapp”, which you can use to create a MavenPublication:

plugins {
    id 'net.corda.plugins.cordapp-cpk2'
    id 'maven-publish'

publishing {
    publications {
        myCorDapp(MavenPublication) {
            from components.cordapp
  • jar: This task represents the standard JAR task created by Gradle’s java-library plugin and further enhanced by Bnd’s builder plugin to generate an OSGi bundle. The contents of the runtimeClasspath configuration are added to the JAR’s META-INF/privatelib folder, excluding any JARs that have been declared as either a cordapp, cordaProvided, cordaEmbedded, or cordaRuntimeOnly. The jar task is an automatic dependency of Gradle’s assemble task.

These tasks perform intermediate steps as part of creating a CPK:

  • cordappDependencyCalculator: Calculates which JARs belong to which part of a CPK’s packaging.

  • cordappCPKDependencies: Generates the JAR’s META-INF/CPKDependencies.json file.

  • verifyBundle: Verifies if the JAR’s OSGi metadata is consistent with the packages that have been included in the CPK. This task uses Bnd’s Verifier class with “strict” verification enabled to ensure that every Import-Package element has an associated version too.

The cordapp-cpk2 plugin automatically adds these dependencies to the CorDapp:

compileOnly "biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bnd.annotation:$bndVersion"
compileOnly "org.osgi:osgi.annotation:8.1.0"

These annotations control how Bnd will generate OSGi metadata for the JAR. In practice, the plugin already tries to handle the typical cases for creating CorDapps.

An OSGi bundle should be uniquely identifiable by the combination of its Bundle-SymbolicName and Bundle-Version manifest attributes. The cordapp-cpk2 plugin always sets the Bundle-Version attribute to the JAR task’s archiveVersion property, and it generates a default Bundle-SymbolicName value according to the following pattern:


However, if this default value is unacceptable for any reason, the Bundle-SymbolicName can also be set explicitly via:

tasks.named('jar', Jar) {
    osgi {
        symbolicName = '<value>'

The cordapp-cpk2 plugin creates a Bnd -exportcontents command to generate the JAR’s OSGi Export-Package header. By default, it will automatically add every package inside the JAR to this -exportcontents command. The assumption here is that a CorDapp does not have a complicated package structure, and that Corda’s OSGiprovides additional CorDapp isolation.

CorDapp developers who wish to configure their package exports more precisely can disable this default behaviour in the jar task:

tasks.named('jar', Jar) {
    osgi {
        autoExport = false

You can then apply @org.osgi.annotation.bundle.Export annotations manually to selected package-info.java files. You can also export package names explicitly, although applying @Export annotations is recommended:

tasks.named('jar', Jar) {
    osgi {
        exportPackage 'com.example.cordapp', 'com.example.cordapp.foo'

Ideally, Bnd would automatically generate the correct OSGi Import-Package manifest header. However, there are instances where Bnd may detect unexpected package references from unused code paths within the bytecode. To address this, the cordapp-cpk2 plugin offers the following options to override the detected package settings:

tasks.named('jar', Jar) {
    osgi {
        // Declares that this CorDapp requires the OSGi framework to provide the 'com.example.cordapp' package.
        // This value is passed straight through to Bnd.
        importPackage 'com.example.cordapp'

        // Declares that this CorDapp uses the 'com.example.cordapp.foo` package.
        // However, Corda will not complain if no-one provides it at runtime. This
        // assumes that the missing package isn't really required at all.
        optionalImport 'com.example.cordapp.foo'

        // Like `optionalImport`, except that it also assigns this package an empty
        // version range. This is useful when the unused package doesn't have a version
        // range of its own because it does not belong to another OSGi bundle.
        suppressImportVersion 'com.example.cordapp.bar'

Bundles that use java.util.ServiceLoader require special handling to support their META-INF/services/ files. Bnd provides @ServiceProvider and @ServiceConsumer annotations to ensure that the bundle respects OSGi’s Service Loader Mediator Specification.

The plugin generates Corda-*-Classes tags in the JAR’s MANIFEST.MF. The generated tags are controlled by the net.corda.cordapp.cordapp-configuration Gradle plugin in the corda-api repo.

Each tag contains a list of the classes within the JAR that have been identified as being a Corda contract, a Corda flow Communication between participants in an application network is peer-to-peer using flows. , and so on. Each of these classes has also been confirmed as being public, static, and non-abstract, which allows Corda to instantiate them. Empty tags are excluded from the final manifest, and so not every tag is guaranteed to be present.

The plugin generates these lists using Bnd’s ${classes} macro. However, it is important to note that you may need to update these macros as Corda evolves. To avoid the need to update the cordapp-cpk2 plugin simultaneously, it is preferred to keep the macros separate from the plugin itself. You can update the macros by modifying the following file inside the Gradle plugin:


Then apply this new plugin to the CorDapps’s root project. Any property key inside this file that matches Corda-*-Classes defines a filter to generate a new manifest tag or replace an existing tag. For example:


The cordapp-cpk2 plugin appends additional clauses to each filter to ensure that it still only selects public, static, non-abstract classes.

The CPK needs to declare imports for the following packages so that OSGi can create lazy proxies for any JPA entities that the bundle may contain:

  • org.hibernate.proxy
  • javaassist.util.proxy

You must also allow the bundle to import the package containing Hibernate-specific annotations:

  • org.hibernate.annotations

You must declare all these packages as “dynamic” imports to avoid binding the CPK to a specific version of Hibernate. It should make it easier for Corda itself to evolve without breaking everyone’s CorDapps.

The plugin declares these packages using the OSGI DynamicImport-Package header.

If necessary, you can update these package names via the cordapp-configuration.properties file by adding a comma-separated list to the Required-Packages key. It will completely override the plugin’s hard-coded list of packages:


Any CPK written for Corda 5.x must be compatible with every release of Corda 5.x. This requires the cordapp-cpk2 plugin to apply an explicit OSGi “consumer policy” for every CorDapp API package that the CPK may use:


You identify Corda’s API packages using the Import-Policy-Packages property:


You can prevent the cordapp-cpk2 plugin from applying this policy by setting:

jar {
    osgi {
        applyImportPolicy = false

However, this will likely prevent your CPK compiled for Corda 5.x from installing correctly into any Corda node where 0 <= Corda version < x.

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