corda.crypto heading-link-icon

Configuration schema for the crypto library section.

  • caching - Caching settings.
    • expireAfterAccessMins - The expiration time in minutes for cached key metadata.
      • default
        Default value: 10000
    • maximumSize - The maximum number of cached key metadata.
      • default
        Default value: 60
  • hsm - Settings and capabilities for the HSM.
    • defaultWrappingKey - The default wrapping key. This must be a key specified in the wrappingKeys array.
    • retrying - Retry settings for the HSM.
      • attemptTimeoutMills - The wait period in milliseconds between attempts. This should be a reasonably large value as some operations may take longer to complete. For example, RSA key generation by the SOFT HSM may take a few seconds.
        Default value: 20000
      • maxAttempts - The maximum number of attempts.
        Default value: 3
        Minimum value: 0
        Maximum value: 10
    • wrappingKeys - Key derivation parameters for wrapping keys supplied in config.
      • algorithm - Key derivation function and wrapping key algorithm selection.
        Default value: PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256
      • alias - The alias for the wrapping key.
      • passphrase - The passphrase for the key derivation function.
      • salt - The salt for the key derivation function.
  • retrying - Retry settings.
    • maxAttempts - The maximum attempts to process a message.
      • default
        Default value: 3
        Minimum value: 0
        Maximum value: 10
    • waitBetweenMills - The time between attempts in milliseconds. If the number of values specified is less than the number of attempts, the last item is repeated.
      • default
        Default value: 200

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