Service Injection

Some of your contracts may contain injectable service fields that are annotated with @CordaInject. You can inject your own mocks into these fields using the contract testing framework.

You can define two levels of service mocks:

To implement test-class-level mock services, implement the classLevelMockServices() function.

For example:

protected final Map<Class<?>, Object> classLevelMockServices() {
    return Map.of(JsonMarshallingService.class, dummyJsonMarshallingService, DigestService.class, dummyDigestService);
override fun classLevelMockServices() = mapOf( to dummyJsonMarshallingService, to dummyDigestService

You can also inject mock services when verifying your transaction. The scope of these services only last until the verification runs. This might be useful when you want to test multiple negative paths that all require different mock services.

    "Default digest algorithm must be \"SHA2_256D\".",
    Map.of(DigestService.class, invalidDigestService)
    "Default digest algorithm must be \"SHA2_256D\".",
    mapOf( to invalidDigestService)

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