Initial Setup heading-link-icon

After you have completed this tutorial, you will have modified theenvironment to make it ready for building your CorDapp Corda Distributed Application. A Java (or any JVM targeting language) application built using the Corda build toolchain and CorDapp API to solve some problem that is best solved in a decentralized manner. . You will have also created three packages within the existing CorDapp template project structure.

In this tutorial, you will use the CorDapp template repository and build on top of it. This project already contains some example flows, contracts, and states An immutable object representing a fact known by one or more participants at a specific point in time. You can use states to represent any type of data, and any kind of fact. .

  1. Follow the CorDapp template installation instructions to clone the Kotlin CorDapp template repository.

  2. Create the com.r3.developers.apples.workflows package. If using IntelliJ, you can do this by right-clicking the kotlin folder within the workflows folder and then selecting New > Package.

  3. Update the contracts module by creating the following packages:

    • com.r3.developers.apples.contracts
    • com.r3.developers.apples.states

Follow the Write States tutorial to continue on this learning path.

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