Migrating to Corda Enterpriseenterprise-icon heading-link-icon

This section describes how to migrate an existing Corda deployment to Corda Enterprise by replacing the existing Corda Helm A package manager for Kubernetes, which is an open-source container orchestration platform. chart with the Enterprise Helm chart.

The following steps migrate an existing Corda deployment to Corda Enterprise, where the existing deployment has a Helm release name of HELM_RELEASE_NAME in the namespace KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE, installed with the overrides in the file values.yaml:

  1. Uninstall the Corda Helm release:

    helm uninstall $HELM_RELEASE_NAME --namespace $KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE
  2. Install the Corda Enterprise Helm release using the same values as the previous Corda installation but disabling automatic bootstrapping:

    helm install corda-enterprise corda-enterprise- \
      --values values.yaml --namespace $KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE \
      --set bootstrap.db.enabled=false \
      --set bootstrap.kafka.enabled=false \
      --set bootstrap.rbac.enabled=false

If the original Corda installation used automatic bootstrapping to generate the salt and passphrase, the installation of Corda Enterprise must also be configured with the location of the generated values in the Kubernetes A powerful tool for managing containerized applications at scale, making it easier for teams to deploy and manage their applications with high reliability and efficiency. secret $HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-config. For example:

helm install corda-enterprise corda-enterprise-5.2.0.tgz \
  --values values.yaml --namespace $KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE \
  --set bootstrap.db.enabled=false \
  --set bootstrap.kafka.enabled=false \
  --set bootstrap.rbac.enabled=false \
  --set config.encyption.salt.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.name="${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-config" \
  --set config.encyption.salt.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key="salt" \
  --set config.encyption.passphrase.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.name="${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-config" \
  --set config.encyption.passphrase.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key="passphrase"

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