
Configuration schema for the REST section.

  • address - The address at which the REST API is exposed.
    Default value:
    • context - Context information to be included in the Open API definition.
      • description - The description of the API.
        Default value: Exposing REST interfaces as OpenAPI WebServices.
      • title - The title of the API.
        Default value: REST
    • endpoint - Settings for endpoints.
      • timeoutMs - The length of time in milliseconds that the backend message bus waits for a response to a remote operation before timing out the REST call.
        Default value: 100000
        Minimum value: 100
        Maximum value: 2147483647
    • flowStatusCleanupTimeMs - The duration, in milliseconds, for which the flow status lookup service retains flow statuses in terminal states (COMPLETED, FAILED, KILLED) without updates. After this period, they are deleted. This must be greater than flow.session.cleanupTime and flow.processing.cleanupTime otherwise flows with re-used requestIds may be silently de-duplicated by the FlowMapper.
      Default value: 604800000
      Minimum value: 60000
      • maxContentLength - The maximum length in bytes that can be sent over HTTP.
        Default value: 200000000
        Minimum value: 1024
        Maximum value: 2147483647
        • websocket - Settings for WebSockets.
          • idleTimeoutMs - The length of time in milliseconds that a websocket connection can be idle (no messages are either sent or received) before timing out and closing the connection. A value of 0 disables idle checks.
            Default value: 30000
            Minimum value: 0
            Maximum value: 2147483647

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