Running nodes remotely

By default, a Cordform task will run all the generated nodes on the same host machine. In order to run the nodes remotely, you can deploy them locally and then copy them to a remote server. If after copying the nodes to the remote machine you encounter errors related to a localhost resolution, you should follow the additional steps below.

To create nodes locally and run on a remote machine, perform the following steps:

  • Configure a Cordform task and deploy the nodes locally as described in Creating nodes locally and Cordform pages.
  • Copy the generated directory structure to a remote machine, for example using Secure Copy.
  • Optionally, add database configuration settings if they could not be configured in the first step and the local machine does not have access to the remote database.
    • In each top-level [NODE NAME]_node.conf configuration file, add the database settings and copy the JDBC driver .jar file (if required).
    • Edit the top-level [NODE NAME]_node.conf files only and not the files inside the node sub-directories (for example, node.conf).
  • Optionally, bootstrap the network on the remote machine. This is an optional step when a remote machine does not accept localhost addresses, or if the generated nodes are configured to run on another host’s IP address. If needed, change the host addresses in the top-level configuration files [NODE NAME]_node.conf for entries p2pAddress, rpcSettings.address, and rpcSettings.adminAddress. Run the network bootstrapper tool to regenerate the nodes network map: java -jar corda-tools-network-bootstrapper-Master.jar --dir <nodes-root-dir>. For more information, see Network bootstrapper.
  • Run nodes on the remote machine using the runnodes command.

The steps described above enable you to create the same test deployment as a deployNodes Gradle task would create on a local machine.

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