Class Checkpoint

  • All Implemented Interfaces: , , java.lang.Comparable , org.apache.avro.generic.GenericContainer , org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord , org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord , org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord

    public class Checkpoint
    extends SpecificRecordBase implements SpecificRecord

    Represents the current state of a flow, plus information required to operate the flow engine.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Checkpoint

        Default constructor.
      • Checkpoint

        Checkpoint(String flowId, Integer initialPlatformVersion, PipelineState pipelineState, FlowState flowState, String flowMetricsState, KeyValuePairList customState)
        All-args constructor.
        flowId - Internal, globally unique key for a flow instance.
        initialPlatformVersion - The platform version at the time the flow was started.
        pipelineState - State required by the pipeline, e.g.
        flowState - Current flow execution state.
        flowMetricsState - Internal storage for recording flow metrics
        customState - Internal storage for pipeline extensions.
    • Method Detail

      • setFlowId

         void setFlowId(String value)

        Sets the value of the 'flowId' field. Internal, globally unique key for a flow instance.

        value - the value to set.
      • setInitialPlatformVersion

         void setInitialPlatformVersion(int value)

        Sets the value of the 'initialPlatformVersion' field. The platform version at the time the flow was started.

        value - the value to set.
      • setPipelineState

         void setPipelineState(PipelineState value)

        Sets the value of the 'pipelineState' field. State required by the pipeline, e.g. to support retries.

        value - the value to set.
      • setFlowState

         void setFlowState(FlowState value)

        Sets the value of the 'flowState' field. Current flow execution state. Null if the flow has not yet been started, for example in the face of a retry-able error.

        value - the value to set.
      • setFlowMetricsState

         void setFlowMetricsState(String value)

        Sets the value of the 'flowMetricsState' field. Internal storage for recording flow metrics

        value - the value to set.
      • setCustomState

         void setCustomState(KeyValuePairList value)

        Sets the value of the 'customState' field. Internal storage for pipeline extensions.

        value - the value to set.
      • getEncoder

         static BinaryMessageEncoder<Checkpoint> getEncoder()

        Return the BinaryMessageEncoder instance used by this class.

      • getDecoder

         static BinaryMessageDecoder<Checkpoint> getDecoder()

        Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.

      • createDecoder

         static BinaryMessageDecoder<Checkpoint> createDecoder(SchemaStore resolver)

        Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified SchemaStore.

        resolver - a SchemaStore used to find schemas by fingerprint
      • fromByteBuffer

         static Checkpoint fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer b)

        Deserializes a Checkpoint from a ByteBuffer.

        b - a byte buffer holding serialized data for an instance of this class
      • newBuilder

         static Checkpoint.Builder newBuilder(Checkpoint other)

        Creates a new Checkpoint RecordBuilder by copying an existing Checkpoint instance.

        other - The existing instance to copy.